Tuesday, September 1, 2020

5 Tips In Optimizing A Website

Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, is essentially part science and part art. Let me give you some tips on how to optimize your site so that search engines will actually like, and respond by ranking you higher.

1. Keywords

If your keywords are not correct, there is not going to be much traffic from search engines, if any. Your keywords must be relevant to your market. Imagine that your clothes are clothes and your clothes are clothes. If you walk down random street and don't pay attention to certain clothes, you will become a tailor. Similarly, if you focus only on your keywords and try to over populate them, you will end up spamming. So make sure that you have the appropriate keyword density for your market. When you are consistent in your keywords and content, search engines will become very happy and the traffic your site will receive will increase.

Also, when you are doing on page optimization, you have to make sure that your keyword is in your domain name. Search engines have a better chance of finding you if your domain included your keyword.

2. The Title

Make sure that you include you keywords in your title. If you can have it not to far off, make sure that it is in there. It is important to have your keywords on your title. On your landing page, you must have the keyword as your title.

3. The H1-H6 tags

Structure your content in an h1-h6 tag. Search engines are not going to like it if your main keyword is in your H1 tag. The headings of your page should include your keywords. It is basically like writing an advertisement. Your heading should be written as an advertisement. It gives your site a higher click through on search engines.

4. The Image

Make sure that you include your keywords in the image. If you are selling dates, an image of that is fine.

5. Linking

Almost all your sites links should have keywords. In addition if you have 2 sites that are about the same topic and linking with the proper anchor text and both of them are new sites. Remember to include the keywords in both of the links.